39: The Life of a Wife of an Oakley Driver

On this week’s episode of the Oakley Podcast, host Jeremy Kellett is joined by Sherry Eads and Laura Floyd, wives of Oakley owner-operators to find out what life is like from their perspective as they manage their own jobs, being moms and keeping in touch with their husbands while they’re on the road.

Key points in today’s conversation include:

  • Need to Know with Vickie Chastain: good driving manners (2:29)
  • Background on Laura Floyd (4:28)
  • Background on Sherry Eads (5:52) 
  • Traveling with their husbands on the road (9:40)
  • What’s it like being the wife of a truck driver? (11:42)
  • Teamwork in marriage (17:25)
  • Helping manage the business (24:34)
  • Stressing the importance of good communication (33:50)

Thank you Laura and Sherry for coming on the show and sharing your side of the story.

Oakley Trucking is a family-owned and operated trucking company headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information, check out our show website: podcast.bruceoakley.com