233: Building Trusting Relationships: The Importance of Reliable Truck Repair Services for Owner-Operators

This week on the Oakley Podcast, host Jeremy Kellett welcomes David and Nathan Dunn from Central Arkansas Truck and Trailer, a new sponsor of the podcast. In this conversation, the group discusses the importance of reliable service providers for owner-operators. David, the owner, shares insights about their family-owned business, specializing in heavy and medium-duty diesel repair while Nathan, the service manager, talks about his background and the significance of building customer relationships. The group emphasizes preventive maintenance, advanced diagnostics, and the value of trust in the mechanic-driver relationship. The episode underscores the commitment to supporting truck drivers and ensuring their success on the road.

Key topics in today’s conversation include:

  • Previewing the Episode and welcoming a new sponsor (0:15)
  • Central Arkansas Truck and Trailer (4:51)
  • David and Nathan Dunn’s Background (5:49)
  • Family Dynamics in Business (10:27)
  • Services Offered at Central Arkansas Truck and Trailer (13:25)
  • Building Relationships with Owner-Operators (16:24)
  • Mechanics’ Preferences (17:56)
  • Understanding Truck Issues (19:42)
  • Free Diagnostic Services (21:48)
  • Mobile Services for Trucks (23:12)
  • Preventive Maintenance Recommendations (24:41)
  • Scheduled Maintenance Importance (26:47)
  • Transmission Repair Capabilities (29:34)
  • Closing Remarks and Future Relationships (30:48)

Oakley Trucking is a family-owned and operated trucking company headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information, check out our show website: podcast.bruceoakley.com.


Jeremy Kellett  00:15

Welcome to the Oakley podcast, trucking, business and family. This show is brought to you by Oakley trucking, headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The purpose of this podcast is to communicate with Oakley owner operators and their families by giving them up to date information concerning Oakley trucking and the trucking industry, from business advice to safety updates to success stories, also to give an insight to outside truck drivers that might be interested in joining the Oakley family. Hey, welcome to the Oakley podcast trucking business and family. My name is Jeremy Kellett. I’m director of recruiting here at Oakley trucking, and I’m your host for this podcast. On this episode, I sat down with our new sponsor, Central Arkansas truck and trailer, David Dunn and his son, Nathan, and we had a good conversation about being a sponsor for the Oakley podcast and what that entails. But also, you know, to hear their story, their history, what they offer as a dealership, from wheel seals to engine rebuilds to all sorts of things. And we get into that a little bit for sure. We also have a lot in common. You know, the biggest thing about them that I like is they’re a family owned business. And here at Oakley, we know about being family owned because we are too. So we have that relationship, and they’re just super excited about being a sponsor. I feel like you know by talking to these guys. Of course, we knew them a little bit before our owner operators had been using them, but that’s how we heard about them, actually. But just as I sit down and talk with these guys, you can tell that they’re interested in the owner operator being successful. They’re really geared to getting you, you know, in and out of the shop, back on the road, and making money. And you’ll hear them talk a little bit about that in this episode, because it was, you know, it’s really good. They just seem like great people, good operations, and we want to help them, but most of all, we want to help you guys, our owner operators. Here, I want you to know I take it very seriously on who our sponsor is. It’s because I want it to be a benefit to our owner operators. That’s what it’s all about. And we got to have people in the same mind frame that wants you to be successful. So that’s who we look for as a sponsor. So aero truck sales, Central Arkansas, truck and trailer we feel like these two are really good sponsors for the podcast, and I hope you enjoy it. Give me your feedback. Now, when you, when you have experiences with either one of our sponsors, we need the feedback for sure, so we can, we can evaluate other things. Is Like, subscribe. You know, you know, our social media is so good and it just keeps getting better. And we do that because, you know, we want, we want our audience to be able to relate to us and learn about Oakley trucking through our social media, whether it’s on YouTube or Facebook or TikTok. I mean, we want you to be able to understand what kind of company we are here, and that’s why we do such a good job. Annabelle does a good job on being able to relate that to all our listeners. So but, you know, the best thing is to share it with somebody. Tell somebody about it. You know, you actually hit that share button and send them the link, you know, to YouTube so they can watch the podcast. That really helps a lot. I was talking to my friend Chris Jones this past weekend and he walks every morning, and he listens to the new episode. He’ll listen to an episode of the Oakley podcast. And he said he likes it because it’s about how long he walks, you know, 45 minutes, some 50 minutes. So he likes that and enjoys that, and I appreciate that, and everybody doing that. So hey, let’s get to this episode, and let’s talk about Central Arkansas truck and trailer. At

Arrow Truck Sales Commercial  03:52

Aero truck sales in Springfield, Missouri, take the hassle out of buying and selling semi trucks, no matter the manufacturer, the style of cab or the type of engine under the hood, they can make you a fair offer on your semi truck with no games or gimmicks. They carry trucks from all the major manufacturers in the trucking industry and perform a thorough inspection of every truck on their lot to ensure safety and quality and give you confidence that you’re getting a reliable truck that will last you for years at a price that you can afford. Arrow has partnered with Oakley trucking in the Oakley podcast for years, and are proud to provide our owner operators with trucks that meet Oakley qualifications and each owner operator’s specific needs. So whether you’re a first time owner operator or just looking for a change of scenery, give Keith Wilson a call at 573-216-6047, and let them know you heard it here on the Oakley podcast.

Jeremy Kellett  04:51

Well, let’s go ahead and get started. I’m with our new sponsor, Central Arkansas truck and trailer repair shop out of North Little Rock Arkansas. And you know, I’m excited to introduce myself. These guys to our listeners, because I know our listeners know this really well. Oakley tries real hard to find good companies to help our owner operators be successful. And we, you know, whether it’s aero or LubeZone or just the other people that we recommend that we have relationships with all around I mean, we we don’t send, we try not to send our own operators to anybody that’s not going to take care of them, because it is a it’s something that there’s not a lot of people in the trucking business that wants to help a truck driver succeed. But I’m telling you, we have found them here with a Central Arkansas truck and trailer, and excited to announce they’re our new sponsor. So we’re going to have these guys around quite a bit. You’re going to be hearing quite a bit from them. So David Dunn, Nathan Dunn, appreciate you guys sponsoring Oakley podcast. Thank you. It’s

David Dunn  05:50

an honor to be here again. I’m David. This is Nathan. Nathan. We’re really excited

Jeremy Kellett  05:54

to be here. Yeah, yeah. I’m excited too, just learning a little bit. I mean, you’re right down the road from us, and we haven’t created this relationship. You know, I don’t know why it’s taking us so long, but hey, that’s part of it.

David Dunn  06:07

I see your trucks getting on the Interstate at our exit, exit seven, all five, 440, hundreds of times a day. Yeah, you’re right there. I think we got to be one of the closest, if not the closest, repair shop to your facility here, like we were talking earlier. We’re a family run business. My wife does the books. My son is a service manager, and I like to think he’s the best service manager in the state of Arkansas. I had to hire him away from Peter built up northwest Arkansas to get him to come to work for me. We got a great group of guys. We have 19 bays, 12 mechanics now, and I believe we’re the largest independent repair shop in Arkansas, but definitely Central Arkansas, definitely Central Arkansas. So when I say independent, I mean we’re, you know, not affiliated with any major dealer group. So you know, we can work on anything from Freightliner to Ken Worth to Mac International. We’ve got the computer software the same level, dealer level technical support that the big dealers have, and so we’re trying to fill that niche of having the same quality mechanics, the same quality atmosphere that you would get at a dealership, but with the feel of working with somebody that is a mom and pop still that you know cares and cares about their customers and will be there to develop long term relationships

Jeremy Kellett  07:31

Now you guys, first, you David, where are you from? Well, I’m from

David Dunn  07:34

here. I went to Sylvan Hills High School, lived in Sherwood, graduated a long time ago, back in 1988 Fayetteville, got a business degree, and my son also graduated from there a few years ago. So we’re local, okay, been here a whole lot. I live around here. Get to know everybody around here, then that’s good. Yeah, yeah. We’re duck hunters and crappie fishermen. That’s what I was gonna say. You’re hunters and probably got more hobbies than I need, but we in fact, Nathan’s got a pretty big deer. He was killed this year. He’s going to enter in the big buck contest. Yeah, this Friday weekend. So, oh, good, yeah. I put him on the stand, and I had the deer on camera, and I put him on the stand in the afternoon, the first day of the season. If he’d been too busy working at the shop, and he killed it within 15 minutes.

Jeremy Kellett  08:23

Now, what do we do for our kids? David, I mean, what we do for I do the same thing with my son. He won’t admit it, you know, but he knows. I’ll put him in the right spot.

Nathan Dunn  08:32

Oh, yeah. I think that afternoon I looked at him, I said, well, all this hard work I put in. Yeah. Gotta roll his eyes,

Jeremy Kellett  08:37

yeah. So we want to get a picture of it for sure. We want to do Annabelle, send it an email, text it to me, or email it or something.

David Dunn  08:44

Oh, if you gotta be buck you gotta, I mean, we’re not, yeah, you gotta show it off. We gotta

Jeremy Kellett  08:48

show it off and see what’s going into the classic this weekend. So, Nathan, you’re grown up, I guess dad does all the trailer stuff, or what?

Nathan Dunn  08:57

Yeah, I think I started, what was I 1314, years old, where he slapped me on the back one morning that summer when school was over and goes, you’re coming to work with me, and a broom was stuck in my hand at 100 degree heat in the trailer shop, and I was showing the ropes, yep, yep, yeah. I think we’ve got one or two guys that are still with us from the trailer shop days that taught me a lot of things I know now, was that your summertime job, yeah, every summer, yes, it was. I’d say from 7am to noon, I’d work in the shop, and then go to football practice that afternoon every day of the week, and then you went up to Arkansas, yeah, yeah, went up to Fayetteville. Graduated from the Dell pumpers ag business college, nice. Then kind

Jeremy Kellett  09:38

said I’m not going back to that trailer shop. Bad? Well,

Nathan Dunn  09:41

I, you know, Fay was a beautiful, beautiful area. I really wanted to stay there. Had a lot of friends there, and worked out as service manager for Firestone there, and then went into truck sales for Peter built at the Larson group. And he gave me a call a couple years after I’d been there, and said, man, it’s about time you come back and. I took over the service department for him, and it’s been a smooth , smooth, smooth ride since. I

Jeremy Kellett  10:05

I hope you negotiated pretty well.

Nathan Dunn  10:06

I told him what I mean,

David Dunn  10:09

yeah, this one on a knee. Hold, hold on now, right.

Jeremy Kellett  10:16

Let’s talk about it, you see the opportunity. I mean, you know, you got to take advantage of it. That’s a good kind of officer who would even talk about it. What’s it like working with your dad? What’s it like working with your son? You

David Dunn  10:27

go and

Nathan Dunn  10:28

a lot of people ask us that there’s a lot of people, you know, you hear about all the time. Oh, I couldn’t, couldn’t work with my dad. You know, they try. Everybody wants, wants this. I think it was that land man we were watching the other day Jerry Jones lying about, you know, the greatest thing in the world is to work with your kids. And I mean, we both bounce ideas off each other. We’ve rarely got in disagreements. He listens to me. I listen to him. It works very smoothly.

David Dunn  10:54

It is more smooth than you would think. And my wife is doing the books. People ask me the same question about how I could never work with my wife. We’re just not that way. We all have a common goal. We all respect each other, and I think that’s the key, is treating your family and everyone with respect. But Nathan does stuff I don’t want to do, and I do part of the business he doesn’t

Jeremy Kellett  11:21

I want to do it. Can you leave it the the business, at business, when you go home, it’s

David Dunn  11:26

hard, it is hard. But when just

Nathan Dunn  11:28

brainstorming, you know, we’re at home talking about business, it’s never in a bad, bad life. Just what can we do to grow little ideas we’d had or videos we’ve seen of somebody doing something? Is that kind of stuff? Yeah,

David Dunn  11:39

We’re kind of passionate about it, yeah. I mean, it’s kind of our, you know, we enjoy what we do, yeah. I mean, I enjoy having the business. I enjoy working with my son. I enjoy working with my family. As we talked earlier, my daughter is an accountant here in town. I’d love to grow the business to the point where I’ll need her one day to come in and work in the business. And, you know, I hope that that’s what your independent contractors would see when they come visit us.

Jeremy Kellett  12:07

Are y’all have, I know you have, but to tell our listeners you’ve worked with some Oakley, yeah, absolutely

Nathan Dunn  12:14

Most recently, we did a big engine job for Chris Pons, who actually, you know, brought us in here to introduce us to Yaw. We see Joe Williams in there all the time. He’s real, he wants everything, everything, right? He said, here’s the smallest little noise. He’s in there getting it fixed. Yeah. And there’s quite a few over the years we see, you know, maybe not every day, but coming. What’s

Jeremy Kellett  12:34

your history with the I mean, what do you do when you see an Oakley guy come in there? What do you think?

Nathan Dunn  12:39

Well, I know that he’s either loaded or needs to get loaded, so we need him out of the shop as quickly as possible. Yeah,

Jeremy Kellett  12:47

That’s right, that’s what we want. Yeah, and

David Dunn  12:53

professional. I would say the word that comes to mind when I see your guys is professional. Yeah, they’re all they always seem to be very well kept. Have there’s a little, you know, certain mentality, like, like, I’ve got the, I’ve got, you know, it professional. I would say that would be the word that comes to mind. Yeah,

Jeremy Kellett  13:11

I agree. I believe that too. They do say they are like that. That’s for sure. Let’s talk about maybe some of the actual services that you offer, and maybe, I don’t know, do Yaw? Do y’all have a specialty, something that you are really, really good at, or you just offer everything?

David Dunn  13:31

Yes, we all. We offer most services, anything from wheel seals and brake jobs all the way up to complete engine rebuilds. You know, we’re an independent shop, so we really have to work on pretty much anything that comes in the door. I’ve got mechanics with certified Cummins mechanics. I’ve got certified Detroit mechanics. We’ve got certified Volvo Mac mechanics. I think I’m one of the only independent dealers that I know of. We actually found a school in South Texas that allows people like me in my industry. Most of the time, independent dealers don’t have a resource where they can send their mechanics to further their education and get them continuing the education and certifications on engines. We do that every year. We send our mechanics and try to get them more well rounded and keep them up. Verse on, what on. You know, these engines are changing all the time. You wouldn’t think that, but there, man, you know, the government maybe, maybe it’ll change now a little bit,

Nathan Dunn  14:30

but they’re what really helps them with diagnosing the after treatment problems. Treatment For sure, how to shortcuts you can take to find the problem faster than going through the whole 2020, item list of what could be wrong with one check engine light. That’s that’s been the biggest return I’ve seen from my guys is their efficiency when it comes to repairing What the

Jeremy Kellett  14:51

I might think out of the box just a little bit right, right? Yeah

Nathan Dunn  14:55


David Dunn  14:56

yeah. I found that that is one of the biggest benefits for me. In my mechanics to these schools, and getting them additional education is the people they meet when they’re there. They’re meeting other mechanics from around the country, and they’re getting them on their phones. And then there’s a resource for those guys. They’re sitting there and they know five guys, you know, maybe in San Francisco, you know, in San Angelo, or Atlanta, or wherever they met a guy from and say, Hey, he was telling me he ran into this before. And they can, you know, pick their brain, okay, on different issues. So I guess, you know, it’s especially hard in this industry. But yeah, anything from wheel seals all the way up to complete engine rebuilds. I always

Nathan Dunn  15:39

joke, we can build a truck from the ground up. There you go, just about there’s nothing we won’t touch on one. We don’t really mess

David Dunn  15:46

with tires. Well, yeah, yeah, we’re not, we’re not. We gotta. There’s a tire shop next door, but, you know, we would encourage you guys like I said, we’re right here. Come by. Have a cup of coffee. Come in and visit with you. We talked about our goal here with Oakley is to become a resource for your for your independent contractors, where, if they, if they break down in another city, in another state, that they know me, they know Nathan, they trust us, and they could pick up the phone and call us and say, Hey, I’m broke down up here, or I’ve got my check engine light on, and they’re telling me XYZ. What do you think you know that would be the ultimate compliment, yeah, to have a relationship with your drivers that they could they feel comfortable picking up the phone and giving

Nathan Dunn  16:30

Oh, yeah, I get phone calls at least daily, if somebody we’ve worked on the past that’s either got a an OBD two or nine pin connector that tells them codes, like just on the go Real quick, and a lot of those aren’t in depth, but they’ll call me and I can type it in at least, read off what the code says might be wrong, kind of give them an idea if they’re going to make it back in, or if they need to stop right away, or if I’ve seen that code a bunch of times and don’t think that it’s that big a deal, that’s phone call I get all the time, but then Just little, little stuff like that. You got any

Jeremy Kellett  17:02

recent examples that maybe you’ve got? Didn’t know he’s been to several shops. He’s at his last option, and he’s hoping you guys can save the day.

David Dunn  17:15

That’s, that’s almost a daily deal, yeah. I mean, that’s kind of the MO for the way most of our jobs come in, okay? I mean, we get a lot of it’s, you know, roadside mechanics. You know, the guy calls, you know, roadside mechanic shop, and the guy comes out there, takes the truck apart and says, Here, you know, here’s my bill for 1500 bucks. I don’t know what’s wrong. I don’t know what’s wrong. Yeah, we get injector problems quite a bit. Fuel system problems, especially on the Detroit engines, I would say, are big with fuel. Fuel problems, of course, after treatment issues with all the makes them all I

Jeremy Kellett  17:53

mean, that’s a constant battle, isn’t it, right? Because, I mean that that’s something we hear a lot from our owner operators, even with the newer trucks and Yaw work on Old to New. Doesn’t matter. Yeah, it doesn’t.

David Dunn  18:04

It doesn’t matter. We get a, we’re AP to get a Peter built in, as we are a 2023, Internet

Jeremy Kellett  18:12

Now do the, let’s say you get an old truck in there with no emissions. Do the mechanics fight over who gets to work? Who gets it? Yeah. Nathan, yeah,

Nathan Dunn  18:20

I tell you, the customer we mentioned earlier, Chris’s truck. It pulled into the parking lot, and I don’t think there was a mechanic in there that wasn’t going, I’ll do it. Yeah, yeah. Anything wrong? Yeah,

David Dunn  18:30

They love the long nose Pete’s Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, long and tall every cowboys dream, yeah.

Jeremy Kellett  18:40

Well, having a, you know, somebody like you was saying that you built a relationship with that they can trust and call you and and you take it to them. I mean, I have that, you know, I’m, I’ve probably mentioned this before in the podcast. I don’t remember Annabelle, but I’ve got a guy down the street, you know, it’s a two man operation, small garage, Mason’s garage there. And, man, he just takes good care of me. Now, you know, a lot of stuff is right over my head when he tells me what all he’s got to do, but man, I trust him, you know, to be able to take care of my vehicle and do fix it like he would fix his. And that’s what I think a lot of truck drivers are looking for, is that relationship,

Nathan Dunn  19:17

and we try, you know, you said going over your head on a lot of stuff, and that’s why my favorite thing to do is, if we find the number one problem, most everybody can see how excited I am on my face when I’m telling everybody, because that’s true. I mean, it’s a maze navigating all the what one code could mean could be wrong with the truck. And the techs are excited. We’re excited. And I love it if you’re there in the shop, or if you’re close by, I always try to get you up there. Come look at it once you see what we found, why it happened. Because not only is it important to know why something went wrong with your truck, it’s important to know how to prevent it. And if you can know why it broke, you may be able to keep it going longer, or know a maintenance interval to look out for that going bad again. That’s really the most important. One thing, yeah,

Jeremy Kellett  20:00

yeah. I bet when you find a problem that is yeah, it’s kind of Yeah, you hit a home run on that one. For sure, you deal with warranty companies. Yeah, yeah. Guys have warranty, aftermarket warranties, yes.

Nathan Dunn  20:13

Well, I’ll deal with any of the big ones, the National truck protection, or premium 2000 any of the other ones. I’m happy to do the grunt work of sending the photos and filing the claim and making sure you get your end of the deal on it. Yeah, yeah, that’s good.

Jeremy Kellett  20:27

I guess you feel like you’re at a fair price. That’s what a lot of the truck drivers want to know. You know, you are fairly priced on your services. We’re

David Dunn  20:35

significantly cheaper than any of the dealerships. Okay,



David Dunn  20:40

we’re probably a little bit above, you know, Joe Blow on the side of the road, you know, or in a, you know, one bay shop, but we’re significantly below any of the dealerships in town. But yet, we’re still trying to strive to maintain the same level of service, you know, we’ve got, I don’t have, the after market, you know, computer programs, we went out and actually bought the the computer software the same, the same level, the same with the same level of technical support as the dealers have. And boy, I mean, he’ll attest, attest to this that’s so important today. Yeah. I mean, not having the right computer software and technical support behind you can get you going in the wrong direction. So anybody you know sitting there talking about hourly rates all day long. But if you get a guy that knows what he’s doing and works on your truck for a week and doesn’t get it fixed, you’re not it doesn’t matter what his hourly rate is. Yeah, it’s about getting these guys in, getting it fixed, getting it fixed right, and getting them back out on the road, and

Jeremy Kellett  21:42

having that up to date equipment like you’re talking about, is a necessity. And

David Dunn  21:48

while you’re talking about that, we just, we discussed this, and something that we’re excited to offer the Oakley independent contractors is that we don’t, you know, this is, I think, would be a valuable tool for your guys, and some available asset for them is any is part of our sponsorship with Oakley. Any of your guys are welcome to come by, and we will hook up our computers to their trucks and read those codes for free.

Jeremy Kellett  22:12

Oh, nice, you bet. Oh, that is good, because that happens. I mean, we hear that every week, you know, got a light on. Gotta go chop. Get a light on so they can come to your place, you’ll read it and tell them what’s going on. And

Nathan Dunn  22:23

that what I was telling you, the troubleshooting, yeah, stuff like that. I can print off, you know, when we look it up, it’ll tell you what the steps might need to be done to do it or to fix the problem. And I can print that off if, I mean, if they want to try it themselves, or want us to look at it, then at least see what we’re working with, what it’s going to take, yeah, I mean, that’s just, I mean, that’s probably, it’s a quick deal, yeah, we pretty good. All of our, you know, computers are mobile. We can roll out there, hook up to it and just show them what’s going on.

David Dunn  22:50

Every shop in town that has this level of software charges, you know, computer hookup or technology fee, we will waive that for drivers. Yeah, that’s

Jeremy Kellett  23:01

good for you. I appreciate that. Those guys will really appreciate that now. And you’re also telling me, Nathan, about in certain situations, like, if they the truck won’t move, you might come to open

Nathan Dunn  23:13

you’re just up the road from us. Obviously, you, everybody’s had it happen. You go out that morning, start the truck up, lights on. If it’ll move and make it come on down, we’ll hook you right up, like we were saying. If you go to take off and it’s telling you five mile an hour, D rate, or 50 mile an hour or something like that, we can run down here, hook up to it and either clear it, maybe get you down there, or just assess the severity of it, so you don’t have to just jump straight to a toe. I mean, that gets pricey,

Jeremy Kellett  23:41

yeah, yeah, yeah, it does good. That’s something for our guys to know too, because that happens sometimes here in the yard.

David Dunn  23:47

I’m David Dunn with Central Arkansas truck and trailer Arkansas highest rated locally owned and family operated heavy and medium duty diesel repair and service certified technicians with the latest computer diagnostics to repair everything from Fords to freight liners specializing in suspensions, transmissions, brakes, after treatment systems and complete engine rebuilds. Tired of paying high dealership prices with long wait times, let Central Arkansas truck and trailer get your truck back on the road where it belongs, something

Jeremy Kellett  24:18

before we close out here. You guys have been in a long time. What do you recommend any truck driver to do, especially owner operator, any kind of preventive that you see daily, and you go, man, if y’all would just use some additive, if you would just get these filters cleaned every so many miles, it would prevent it. What’s your your

Nathan Dunn  24:39

so best suggestion there well, and it comes to mind because it’s a recent kind of discovery. You know, we’ve got a good relationship with the dealers in town, and one of our Detroit dealers has brought to our attention that there’s a fuel additive that I do keep in stock. It’s blinking on me right now, but it has been saving these Detroit injectors. De breed, or just build up, or a little metal residue from the pumps. It’s been saving them and keeping that high pressure fuel pump from going out. That’s the big one. That’s, I mean, that’s a very costly

David Dunn  25:11

high pressure fuel pumps on Detroit’s are a problem, yes, when they go out. Is

Jeremy Kellett  25:16

that the one that sends the metal through, like on Yeah, like on the pickups too. Yes,

Nathan Dunn  25:22

It helps prevent that. Obviously. Make sure your regions are going the way they should. Don’t ever turn them off if you know y’all, y’all buy or I know aero truck sales, as we all recommended by, you know, use vehicles for guys. Get maintenance records from them, if they’ve got them, and see when the DPF filters and SCR has been cleaned last because most of the time 200,000 miles, you’re going to need to take that out and get it baked. And if you at least know when it was, you can prepare and save up for that. Because it’s, it’s, it’s not a cheap ordeal, even as a preventative maintenance, because you do have to take them all the way out, bake them. Nobody wants to be together, but it needs to be done. But it has to be done, otherwise you end up with, you know, face de la set pack filters on the side of the road. And

David Dunn  26:10

Instead of doing it with somebody, you know, trust right here down the road, you end up, you know, with downtime on the side of the road, and who knows where, at the mercy of who knows who shops, having to have it done. And we’ve got, on the back of our computers at our counter, you will see we’ve got the recommended service intervals for every engine on clean, okay, DPF filters, again, it the manufacturers, the engines absolutely tell you, that’s a regularly scheduled maintenance item that needs to be done. Does anybody do it? Not, not near as much as they should. Well,

Jeremy Kellett  26:47

I see all that stuff in a, you know, the first time if I buy a new car, used car, and I look through that book, you know, and it’s got all these recommended services, you know, the transmission, the blah, all this. And, you know, just kind of close it, put it in the glove, right?

David Dunn  27:03

I get it. We

Jeremy Kellett  27:06

all do it. I don’t do what I should do. But then Jeff at Macy’s, who goes, Hey, Jeremy, you’re about time. You know, if I got one in there, getting tires rotated or something. Hey, there’s a big difference.

David Dunn  27:17

Yeah, you know, you’re on the way to work in your pickup truck, have an issue, then you’re on the side of the road in El Dorado, Arkansas, and flashing code, you’re de rated to five miles an hour. I

Jeremy Kellett  27:32

don’t know that’s a whole nother. Why do they even make these trucks like and they’re getting tighter, aren’t they in 2027, do y’all know? Well, red a little

David Dunn  27:43

sheriff in town. We’ll see how. Yeah, oh, yeah. All that goes that might have been executive ordered out today, which is on the other side of that coin. We will work on any truck, any engine, whether it has been, it is still 100% EPA or not. So I just want to throw that out there that we’re not scared to work on. You know, anybody’s engine, right? Good, good.

Nathan Dunn  28:13

Yeah, we’ve gotten pretty well versed on the Cascadia DT 12 transmissions as well. I know a lot of shops won’t mess with them. The automatics that freight honor cascadias have in them, if it doesn’t say eaten on it, it’s a DT 12. And we’ve, we’ve gotten pretty good at those. Have a lot of your average shops kind of steer away from them because you need special software to hook up to them. But you’re not stuck with just a dealer. With those, we can work on

Jeremy Kellett  28:40

they are Yaw, and this is probably dumb question, automatics and manuals, are they? Which one lasts longer? Man,

Nathan Dunn  28:51

they all got clutches and they all went out. Yeah, I guess you can keep one going a little longer. As a manual, just because you can, you can work it and you can flow. But the automatics, I mean, if it goes out, it’s just gonna go out. Yeah, they’re both, they’re both, you know, essentially the same transmission. They’re, they’re manual transmission. One of them just has an automated clutch.

David Dunn  29:12

Gotcha, we have an in house transmission and rear differential shop in our facility as well. So that is another tool at our disposal. Arkansas transmission is actually in our building, and Mark lockshaw runs that and shoots. Marquez probably forgot more about rebuilding transmissions and rear and rear end elsewhere in the state. So that’s a good tool at our disposal as well. Awesome. I just wanted to throw that out there. So,

Jeremy Kellett  29:41

so I guess starting as soon as this thing comes out, you need to be prepared to have some customers. They just need to tell you they’re with Oakley, which you’ll see that,

Nathan Dunn  29:52

right, well, and yeah, again, not only you know, bring it in, we’ll hook the computer up to it. I mean, if you got a weird noise, you got. Something you want us to look at. I mean, we’re not going to just get you in the shop and start billing, yeah. I mean, we’re gonna, we’re gonna take a look at it. We want to be an advocate, a friend, and we’re not here to just wreck the wool over your eyes. We want to come look at and keep you on

David Dunn  30:14

long term relationships. Is what this business and this industry should be about, and that’s what we’re trying to build.

Jeremy Kellett  30:23

Well, I think it’s going to be, I think it’s going to be that, and it’s a great start at it right now. So thank you. I appreciate you guys sponsoring the Oakley podcast, and especially, you know, you can tell, I mean, our listeners, watch this, they can tell the sincerity out of you that and the passion you have to want to get them back on the road and do people right? It’s like it ought to be. So thank you guys for doing it. I’m looking forward to the relationship. Awesome. Thank you. Yeah. Thanks everybody for listening to the Oakley podcast every week. We appreciate it, man. We try to bring you some good content. I’m excited about this new relationship with these guys here at Central Arkansas truck and trailer. We did mention where you were, didn’t we exit seven off 445, 40, yes, yeah. Exit seven off of 440 bypass. Then you, soon as you get I mean, you can see you from signs, we’re

David Dunn  31:13

right across the street from truck Pro, okay, literally, right, yeah, right

Jeremy Kellett  31:17

next to truck Pro, okay, so, okay, put a map up. Annabelle, take care of that. So we also, we also want to picture that big buck. Okay, all right, thanks everybody for listening to the Oakley podcast. We’ll talk to you next week. Thanks for listening to this episode with Oakley podcast, trucking, business and family. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to rate or review the show in the podcast platform of your choice and share it with a friend. We love hearing from our audience, so if you’ve got a question comment or just want to say hello, head over to our website, the Oakley podcast.com and click the leave a comment button. We’ll get you a response soon, and may even share some of the best ones here on the show. We’ll be back with a fresh episode very soon. Thanks for listening.