During this week’s episode of the Oakley Podcast, host Jeremy Kellett is joined by his eldest son, Cole Kellett, to discuss how a boy from Bologna, Arkansas got a job in New York City, some of the challenges he’s faced moving to New York City, and how the world of trucking is playing a role in what he does at his current job.
Key topics in today’s conversation include:
- Oakley Update: the Mid-America truck show (3:06)
- About Cole (4:00)
- Why Cole applied for a job in New York City (5:41)
- How to get an interview with someone in NYC (7:17)
- Getting a job in New York City (9:36)
- First impressions of New York City (12:08)
- Cole’s job (15:16)
- Supply chain logistics trucking (18:15)
- Cole Kellett’s future (22:39)
- Assimilating to the culture of NYC (25:44)
- Making friends in a new city (27:54)
- The food in New York (29:46)
Oakley Trucking is a family-owned and operated trucking company headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. For more information, check out our show website: podcast.bruceoakley.com
Cole Kellett 0:12
The supply chain is sort of the connecting piece, the web in between every company to move from plant to plant or plant to store. It’s every piece of it, and when that suffers, so does the entire macroeconomy.
Jeremy Kellett 0:30
Welcome to the Oakley podcast, trucking, business, and family. This show is brought to you by Oakley Trucking, headquartered in North Little Rock, Arkansas. The purpose of this podcast is to communicate with Oakley owner-operators and their families by giving them up-to-date information concerning Oakley Trucking and the trucking industry. From business advice to safety updates to success stories. Also to give an inside to outside truck drivers that might be interested in joining the Oakley family.
Cole Kellett 0:56
This is Jeremy Kellett, Director of Recruiting here at Oakley trucking. I am your host for this podcast. This is episode 101. On today’s episode, I have a special guest with me all the way from— How do you say it? New York City. That’s how you say it. My oldest son Cole Kellett is joining me today to talk about how a boy from Bologna, Arkansas got a job in New York City, some of the challenges he’s faced moving to New York City, and how the world of trucking is playing into world— Into…
Jeremy Kellett 1:22
Yeah, I better do it.
Cole Kellett 1:23
Yeah, that’s probably best if you did it.
Jeremy Kellett 1:28
This is Jeremy Kellett, Director of Recruiting at Oakley Trucking, and I’m your host for this podcast. This is episode 101. On today’s episode, I have a special guest with me all the way from New York City, my oldest son, Cole Kellett. He’s joining me today to talk about how a boy from Bologna, Arkansas got a job in New York City and also talk about some of the challenges he’s faced moving to New York City and how the world of trucking is playing a role in what he does at his current job. I think you’ll be interested to listen to some of that coming up but first let’s, as always, do our Oakley update sponsored by Arrow Truck Sales.
Keith Wilson at Arrow Truck Sales in Springfield, Missouri is currently offering $1,000 off your first month’s payment when you finance with transport funding, or $1,000 off the truck price if you bring your own financing. They’re also discounting the cost of an extended warranty by $500. Arrow Truck Sales has been a longtime partner with Oakley Trucking and that’s because they specialize in first-time truck buyers, they don’t do any leases, they have the best-used trucks money can buy (because used trucks is all they do, they don’t sell any new trucks), and the biggest reason that Arrow and Oakley are partners is service after the sale. It is very important to us at Oakley that when we refer you to a company, that they are a good company with good people, they do what they say, and they understand our requirements. So give Keith a call at 573-216-6047 for a good used truck and tell him you heard about it on the Oakley podcast.
So on today’s update, the main thing I want to talk about is the truck show is next week. We want to make sure that everybody comes out. If you hadn’t made plans, man, try to get plans. Get your dispatcher to run you through the Louisville truck show. Well, I call it the Louisville truck show. It’s the Mid-America truck show in Louisville, Kentucky. Try to make an appearance there. We got a great show lined up for you because we’ve got— we’re actually doing the podcast from the Truck Show. We’re gonna have some live Facebook, we’re gonna have the Oakley podcast recorded with a bunch of different guests (even you can get on it). We’re gonna be doing that Friday and Saturday all day, so be sure and show up try to get to the Mid-America truck show in Louisville, Kentucky. We’re going to be in the West Wing at booth 67192, so be sure to look us up there. We’d appreciate it.
All right, joining me today on this episode, I got Cole Kellett. Cole, if you would introduce yourself to everybody.
Cole Kellett 3:57
Hello, everybody, all the truck drivers and family out there. I am Cole Kellett, the firstborn of Jeremy and Elizabeth Kellett. I’m here today on the Oakley podcast to one-up my little brother Clay who was featured on a previous episode.
A little bit about me. I am 23 years old, born in ’98. I just graduated college in 2020 from the University of Central Arkansas, the same as my father. Born and raised in Conway, went to school in Bologna, Bologna high school, graduated 2016. School’s in the past.
Jeremy Kellett 4:34
What’s your hobbies? What do you do when you’re not working?
Cole Kellett 4:37
I’d say I’m pretty extroverted person. So just about everything. If I’m doing something outside of work, it’s something with friends, whether that’s comedy show or going out to eat or just hanging out with friends or playing games or you know, whatever it may be whatever you have big music Yeah. I listen to a lot whenever I’m working whenever I’m not working. I usually don’t deal with I go to sleep, which I feel like some only listed music when they go to sleep, but sort of just— You know, I don’t know what I do.
Jeremy Kellett 5:10
Well, I’ll tell you what, I wanted to bring you up here to do this episode because I think, of course, I’m a little biased. I think you’re interesting person and I just kind of wanted to hear your story because it’s not every day you hear somebody from a small town in Arkansas goes to New York City, especially 23 years old, and not have any connections up there. So what I was wanting to do is what even possessed you to apply for a job in New York City?
Cole Kellett 5:40
Yeah. So the first time I ever left Arkansas, I always lived here, I had an internship at the Federal Reserve, as intern bank examiner, and I think summer of 2019. And that was in Dallas, Texas. So what I did is I went up, and I decided to be good for me to just leave the state for a little bit, even if it was just for 1012 weeks. And I went and lived in Dallas, Texas on my own for about for that summer. And I just absolutely, absolutely loved everything about it, living on my own the big city, having an apartment, make new friends, interesting job. And so I just took some time to decide everything I liked about Dallas, Texas, and why I like living in the city. And I said, Well, New York’s three, four times the size of that. So that’s got to be three, four times more fun. And I think that sort of played into it of me sort of having a desire to get out and about after college and what Well, I graduated may 2020. So high to the pandemic. So it was, it’s a tough time to graduate, I would say not a great time to enter the job market, if you had to choose may 2020 was tough. It’s really hard to find a job, but rent was still due. So I had to just take, take whatever job I could, I ended up working at a pizza restaurant for a little bit as a waiter. I think I only did that for two months. And then I eventually found a job through a friend at a mortgage company where I did mortgages or Yeah, paperwork, Little Rock for about eight months. And then that was until August of 2021 where I started a job in New York City.
Jeremy Kellett 7:17
How do you even get an interview with somebody in New York City?
Cole Kellett 7:21
So it’s a lot online now, either through reaching out through people’s social media online applications, what I did was, I would go on LinkedIn, and I would, you know, you’d message 100 people, and then maybe 10 of them would message you back. And then you would try and set up a phone call, and maybe one of those 10 would set up a phone call. And then you do that about 10 more times you have 10 phone calls, and maybe one of those 10 phone calls can land you an interview. And I probably went through six or seven different job interviews, you know, through before I actually ended up getting this job is very lucky.
Jeremy Kellett 7:59
This actual job that you got, I remember you telling me that you bombed the interview.
Cole Kellett 8:08
I didn’t do good. They were asking a lot of technical questions. And I was just real nervous, and I just don’t, I just didn’t know my technicals. And they sought me out on that. And they punished me for it. But it was is that I thought for sure once I stepped out I was like, well, that’s not getting a callback. But sure enough, they called me back like a week later and had me come in for a second one. So I was lucky. I thought I did terrible. They must have saw some way I’m sure they did. I think that there’s this little bit of a it’s almost like he sees sort of the drive-in somebody when someone like because people born in New York City, you know, live in New York city all their life, get jobs there. It’s not a special place to them, but whenever you hear some kid that’s come from some small town in Arkansas and he’s like, Hey, can I work for you? I want to live in the big city. I want to move there. I’m going to move a thousand miles away just to work for your company. It’s sort of a, I guess they see someone that could be committed to a job. Someone that’s excited for it.
Jeremy Kellett 9:04
Yeah, somebody with some ambition, I’ll say. And so this company, so once you get a job as? What do you do?
Cole Kellett 9:12
I am a credit analyst. I can give a simple explanation of the industry that I work in. So let’s say Oakley trucking—
Jeremy Kellett 9:24
Let’s wait. Let me back up a minute before you tell me what you do up there. I still want our listeners to hear the process of getting up there. So you called me one day, and I’ll never forget, you said, Dad, I have got an offer from a company in New York City. You had a job offer and you say, what am I going to do? I said, well, I don’t know. What do you want to do?
Cole Kellett 9:57
For weeks and months before, I was trying to ease you into it. I was like, hey, pops, I’m just letting you know, I’m applying for jobs out of the state.
Jeremy Kellett 10:05
Well, I didn’t think you get one in New York City.
Cole Kellett 10:09
The only ones I really looked at was Dallas and New York City, so I was just applying for you know, I mean, you apply for 100, 200-some jobs that you only get a few interviews and you only get one offer that you really take. So it was a months-long process of applying and then…
Jeremy Kellett 10:28
When they sent you this offer.
Cole Kellett 10:32
Yeah, no, it was actually a phone call from a nice HR lady that was ended up being my friend when I got up there. She called me on my lunch break from another job. I think it was the day after my second interview. And she wants she said, we want to extend you an offer. And I think she said something like your New York dreams are coming true. Oh, my, I think she was really invested in the small town kids story. But she was super nice. She helped me through the process. And then it was sort of a surreal moment, I was out by the Arkansas River, just across from us. And in the river market. I was looking over the river. Because I knew this phone call was gonna be the news of whether I got the job or not. So I answered the phone call and I was just, I remember the surreal moment of me out by the river just with the phone down. It takes a few you know, 510 seconds to sit there and soaking in the moment that you just got a job offer from your dream city at your dream job and how cool it was. I think I called you maybe like 15 seconds after that. Pops, can you believe these people? I was really excited.
Jeremy Kellett 11:39
Well, you should be. It’s a big opportunity and it’s exciting to move up there. That’s a whole nother issue is moving to New York City. You didn’t have much time, then you had to find an apartment up there and a place to live and a roommate. That’s a whole drawn-out ordeal right there. That can be time-consuming and expensive.
Cole Kellett 11:58
Yeah, there’s talking about the jobs a lot. But that’s really less than half of what it is living like in a city. You know, if I just wanted to move somewhere for a job. I mean, New York City.
Jeremy Kellett 12:08
So what’s the big differences up there in New York City? Is it what you expected?
Cole Kellett 12:12
You know, I was a little scared. I did cuz you don’t only I’d never. I’d never been to New York City before I went the first time I landed in New York City I was not leaving. I was there to move there.
Jeremy Kellett 12:25
I remember. I bought you a one-way ticket.
Cole Kellett 12:28
How many people here have bought a one-way ticket on an airplane? That’s terrifying. So I packed up, say goodbyes hopped on the plane. It was interesting because we spent the first two weeks there. We didn’t I didn’t have a place to live as soon as I got there. So I was staying in a hotel and touring apartments every day, just to try and find when it probably took me two weeks to find an apartment and then maybe, you know, they usually get Cham pretty quick half a week or a week later. So I started work mid-August and I was probably in an apartment a few days after that. And the apartments they’re kind of small, little small town and a little more expensive than homes in Arkansas. I pay a lot rent, split it and I’m my home. My rent in New York is double what a mortgage would be here for a decent size starter home. And so it kind of feels like throwing money away but it is fun sort of being in that cozy little space and then you walk out your door and you’re on the streets and there’s ambulances blaring cars honking and you can get food on the street and you know 15 minutes from Central Park and go down Madison Avenue and just sort of the neighborhood I’m in is pretty cool realization whenever you realize that you can just step out of your apartment and do that.
Jeremy Kellett 13:47
Actually I was impressed. We went up there for Christmas and spent four, four or five days with him. And I was pleasantly surprised actually I’ve been there before but it’s been a long time and over where your apartment is oh by the East River and mean it’s nice outside nice. It seemed really nice to me. I liked it. The apartment was tiny and old.
Cole Kellett 14:10
Pre-war, no air conditioning. I don’t even control the radiator. A few mice. They don’t pay rent.
Jeremy Kellett 14:19
They stay with you.
Cole Kellett 14:21
They stay with me. They eat my food but they don’t pay rent.
Jeremy Kellett 14:26
It’s great that you’re up there. Now you’re home for a little bit, home visiting us for a little bit.
Cole Kellett 14:32
Come back to the little people. When I got up there, I was a little homesick for Arkansas, man. I’ll just go back for a little bit. Now back in about two weeks into going back you’re like alright, I’ve got my full arc. I’m ready to head Arkansas, Arkansas romanticized a lot your head whenever you’re not there. I think I’m here more for the people that aren’t.
Jeremy Kellett 14:53
So now let’s get to this job and what you’re doing now and kind of give us an idea of what your job is there. And then how, because I mentioned early in this episode that it connects to the supply chain. You were talking about the other night of how that connects. Help my listeners make a connection with how that works.
Cole Kellett 15:16
Yeah, so I’ll give an overall example of what might happen when I talk about a deal. So there are basically three small players here. Man, I hope it’ll get this wrong, my boss might call me and be like, I’m not touching anything. You sort of have your borrowers or your brokers and your buyers. So a bar will be someone that wants to borrow money, let’s say Oakley trucking wants to borrow $500 million. Now, no bank in their right mind is going to loan a single person $500 million, or probably even has it to load out. So what they would do is they would go to a big investment bank like Morgan Stanley, Citibank, JP Morgan, one of those huge banks, where they would ask them, if they know any, they’d say, you know, anybody that’s got some money, and they would come to banks like me. So they wouldn’t just ask someone for the 500 million, they’d split it up 20 3040 100 different ways. And you’d have these smaller companies or funds that would come in, and they’d say, hey, I’ll take a $10 million chunk K, I’ll take a $50 million chunk K, I’ll take a $2 million chunk. And you do that you nickel and dime your way up to the $500 that Oakley needs. And of course, the broker takes a few pennies along the way. And what it is, is they’ll just take the loan, it’s usually paid back over seven years. And what I do in that part of the equation is I’m one of those buyers, or my company is one of those buyers, and we will try and evaluate whether the company is worth investing in their loan. So a credit analyst on the buy-side is the simple explanation for it, we just evaluate the credit of these companies that are wanting to borrow and decide whether or not they’re worth loaning money to. And so we hold a portfolio of names that I guess owe us money and simple terms and always looking for new ones and sort of a year-round process and summer, refinance summer paid out all sorts of things and many hours.
Jeremy Kellett 17:14
Very interesting. It’s an eye-opener of the amount of money in the country and the businesses.
Cole Kellett 17:20
Billions and billions, yeah.
Jeremy Kellett 17:22
That’s crazy.
Cole Kellett 17:23
Hundreds of billions. Yeah, definitely hundreds of billions. I don’t want to say a trillion because Chileans a big number, but hundreds of billions are out there.
Jeremy Kellett 17:31
I think that is a trillion. I’m not sure.
Cole Kellett 17:32
Well, let’s not do math. It is by far been the most interesting job I’ve ever had. And it’s sort of I went to school for a double major in finance and economics. And so I was always interested in finances, individual investments within companies as well as sort of macroeconomics as well, I always thought it was really interesting how, internationally or domestically, an economy moves and what drives it and how businesses play into that. Leveraging that knowledge and curiosity into a job has been one of my best achievements I’ve ever done.
Jeremy Kellett 18:10
So what’s the connection to supply chain logistics trucking?
Cole Kellett 18:15
Yeah, so since we’re invested in these companies, we like to check in on him. And so companies, you can see this in public companies, what they’ll do is they’ll do quarterly earnings calls. So this is people be listening into it, like either buyers that are bought into the loan, like, like my company, or, you know, maybe stockbrokers or hedge funds, or private equity, there’ll be listening these quarter, quarterly earnings calls these investors will be listening in. And what the company is doing is they’re giving basically a quarterly update past three months on all their financials, there, everything they can know about their sales, why their sales went up, why their margins went down, you know, what problems are they experiencing? What have they got new in the, in their plans? You know, are they coming out with a new product? It’s not like, it’s not like these are secrets, a lot of these public companies that you can go listen to any layman could go and listen to. But you know, you have a few dozen companies that will go listen into these earnings calls every quarter, and you sort of see some similar themes for problems that they’re experiencing. And I think for one of the spaces that we’re focused on is chemicals. And so chemicals will have a lot of raw materials, and those are very supply chain dependent. Sort of trucks. Yeah, these raw materials don’t just show up at the plant. And so they’re not always dry bog, sometimes they’re liquids are and they’re not always just shipped by trucks, but you know, sometimes it’ll be barges that are the problem reports. But you always see, I’d say an 80% of these companies, they’ll they’ll highlight that one of the problems of the quarter is supply chain and logistics problems and it’s leading to a whole bunch of problems of you know, several companies have got products that they can’t make, even though they’ve got buyers for the products, you know, they can’t fill all the orders that they want, they haven’t got enough raw materials. And because of the sort of supply chain issues, you’ve also got price increases. So these companies are having to pay extra to get the materials there or can’t find it with materials in short supply because it’s not being transported. And so that leads to the company having to pay more, more and more for these raw materials. And, you know, they can’t just take a loss on that they have to up their margins, or they have to maintain their margin. So they up their prices for the consumer sector, we see a lot of inflationary pressures on these companies to raise their prices.
Jeremy Kellett 20:42
It’s amazing how transportation plays in about everything.
Cole Kellett 20:46
Yeah, no, it definitely comes back. It’s sort of a backbone, like, you’ll start out, you’ll be like, Hey, man, why does my shampoo cost more? And then you go to the company, you’re like, hey, why don’t you raise the price on this shampoo, you know, $3, you know, like, well, and we kind of had some trouble, we couldn’t get it in our products and all the chemicals, we needed to mix it up. And you know, it was kind of delayed and you know, kind of short on supplies. So we had to pay a little bit more for those products. And you say, where’d you get those products? Oh, well, we just had a logistics company, get them to us from raw materials. And then, you know, it just goes all the way back down. And you realize that the supply chains, this sort of the connecting piece, the web in between every company to you know, move from product to from plant to plant or, you know, plant to store. It’s sort of its every piece of it, and when that suffers, so does the entire macroeconomy.
Jeremy Kellett 21:41
Yeah. Transportation plays a big role in it. Very, very big role, whether it’s trucking—
Cole Kellett 21:46
Yeah, we need more truckers. Jeremy, if you could get more truckers on the street, that would help me out, the investors, it would help out Wall Street. It would help out everybody if you could just get some more truckers out there.
Jeremy Kellett 21:59
I haven’t heard that lately. That’s a new one to me. I didn’t know we needed anymore. Really?
Cole Kellett 22:04
We could use dozens.
Jeremy Kellett 22:06
We hear that every day, son. That’s what I’m trying to do. That’s what we try to do every day.
Cole Kellett 22:12
Is this where the ad break goes? Sign up now for Oakley Trucking. Jeremy Kellett. He’ll get you in a truck.
Jeremy Kellett 22:19
That’s exactly right.
Cole Kellett 22:20
He’ll get you a trailer on your truck and ship you across the country and pay you down to do it.
Jeremy Kellett 22:25
Yeah, and you’ll make that little bit of progress towards my son’s job, somewhere along the way.
Cole Kellett 22:32
Somewhere along the way that the companies will do better and I can do more loans.
Jeremy Kellett 22:36
A couple more things. What does the future look like for Cole Kellett? Because I know you’re pretty detail-oriented. You’re a planner, I’ll say that. I don’t know about detail-orientated.
Cole Kellett 22:48
I don’t know if “planner” is the right word. I think a dreamer, a little pause for effect. I would say I have always had big plans. I was always said I wanted to move to New York. I don’t think once there all my time saying that. I actually plan out the logistics.
Jeremy Kellett 23:06
Well, I know you didn’t do that.
Cole Kellett 23:09
I never planned it out how it’s gonna get there, but I always said I wanted to.
Jeremy Kellett 23:13
I see what you mean you. Planner is probably not a good word for you because you don’t plan anything. You just go do it and you hope it works out and it drives me and your mother crazy because you don’t plan it out and then it seems to work out for you.
Cole Kellett 23:28
It seemed like you guys were happy. The way I think I describe how you guys took me moving to New York mom and dad is sort of like, like, great Mexican food. Like in the moment you’re like, you’re like so happy. But you know, it’s you know, it’s gonna hurt. Marsha, so that’s sort of how I think about it. You know, you’re proud, but I think it’s good for me. I’m super excited because, dude, I’m still young.
Jeremy Kellett 23:55
23. Where you going to be five years from now?
Cole Kellett 23:58
You know, that’s a great question. You know, I really never thought farther than this. You know, when I was growing up in college and high school in college, I was like, Man, I’ll get it. I’ll get a job working in finance in New York City. How commuting to Midtown everyday work right across from Rockefeller you know? And you know, take the subway in and sort of have all this dreams and have the end game picture and then now I’m here and you know, I didn’t think this forehead you know, I really didn’t think I’d get this far.
Jeremy Kellett 24:24
You’re just enjoying the moment.
Cole Kellett 24:26
Yeah, give me a year or two. I’ll get back to you. I’m topped out on all my things I want to check off. I’m gonna ride the high for a little bit.
Jeremy Kellett 24:36
Let’s check in with our sponsor LubeZone.
Cold weather and batteries don’t go together. That’s why LubeZone is rolling out battery services this month at their locations. Get a battery test for free, a $30 value, and get a full system electrical test for $49.99, a $70 value. LubeZone currently has 11 locations throughout Texas, Oklahoma, Georgia, and California with more on the way. They can do annual DOT inspections along with CSA inspections without making an appointment. LubeZone thrives on giving great customer service to the truck driver, offering full-service disclosure and advice without the intent to upsell additional products to you that you don’t need, but don’t forget what LubeZone is famous for: fast is back. Their goal is to provide good PM services as quickly and efficiently as possible so you can get back on the road. They offer three major oil brands (shell, Delo, and mobile products) along with OEM-approved filters. Stopped by one of their locations and let us know how your experience was. Check out LubeZone.com for all their locations and tell them you heard about it on the Oakley podcast.
How do you order pizza in New York City?
Cole Kellett 25:48
Oh, you know—
Jeremy Kellett 25:49
Give me your best New York City accent order.
Cole Kellett 25:54
Now, how do you do an accent? I tell you the story about one time it was late at night after we were out of bar some. And the thing is, pizza is best pizza in the world in New York City. I have a pizza was my favorite city before I moved there. And I food favorite food before I moved there. And now I just about every day there. It’s amazing. And it’ll be like thin crust great and greedy. And they’ll be like these people know what they’re doing. And it’s not like hey, are you gonna you know, whatever pizza place and you get a whole pizza and it’s chopped up your order by the slice there. And the slices are huge, probably like you know, almost a quarter size of pizza. And it’ll be two or $3 per slice, you buy the one slice, and they’ll throw it in the oven thrown in the oven and no, heat it up. And then they serve it to you hot and it’s perfect. And you can walk on the street. So you know, I’ll leave my apartment. I don’t like getting delivered much. I’ll just I like go I like the experience. I’m paying too much to not get that New York experience. I’ll walk out of my apartment. Oh, I got my apartment. There’s this pizza restaurant around the corner you walk in, they have the whole glass there with all their pizza types, cheese, Margarita, buffalo, whatever it is. Get your slices. And it will heat it up. And it’s Oh, it’s amazing. I love it. I mean, you can I have adopted a little bit of a twining reel. So you assimilate into the culture in New York City.
Jeremy Kellett 27:25
So anybody make fun of your accent when you get there?
Cole Kellett 27:28
No, no. You got to realize, this is the one of the most diverse, if not the most diverse country or I mean, I walk out just to go get groceries here four or five different language you hear Yeah, German, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, you’ll hear all these languages that you’re doing, or, you know, even these small businesses will be owned by you know, like a small, you know, family that just emigrated in this generation. So it’s really cool to sort of see all that culture.
Jeremy Kellett 27:54
And you got a good roommate.
Cole Kellett 27:55
Yeah, I found my roommate off of Facebook. I never met him before I saw him in New York City. Yeah, it’s lucky. I could have got crazy roomate. I mean, he’s my best friend in New York so far. That’s another thing is making friends in New York is, you know, just making friends as an adult making new friends. I don’t know how many new friends you make at 50 some odd years old.
Jeremy Kellett 28:21
I’m 51.
Cole Kellett 28:22
It’s a guess. So making new friends up there in the new city is sort of daunting task. But I think that’ll make it feel a little bit more like home. I’ve been there. I think a little over five months, probably almost six. But I’m loving it. You may see 1,000, 2,000, 10,000 new people every day because you’ll walk to the grocery store and you’ll just seeing an endless amount of people all going somewhere. So it’s just an energy. It’s like a sort of a drive sort of light you up every time you walk outside.
Jeremy Kellett 28:53
It’s pretty exciting. I was excited to see your building that you work in, when you do work in it. I know most time you work from home.
Cole Kellett 29:00
Yeah, work from home. COVID’s a little more serious over there whenever you’re all packed in. That one city alone, I think was getting at one point probably. I think 10 times the amount of cases that the entire state of Arkansas was.
Jeremy Kellett 29:12
That’s when we were up there. It was terrible. Alright, good episode, son. I like—
Cole Kellett 29:21
Can we do one time to prove that I’m your kid? Can you take a look into the camera and then in the comments they can see, do we actually look alike? I am your firstborn.
Jeremy Kellett 29:30
You are. I think you do look a lot like me. Look at that smile.
Cole Kellett 29:37
Your smile?
Jeremy Kellett 29:37
Yeah. It’s the head of hair, probably.
Cole Kellett 29:40
Yeah, you did give me good hair, I will say that. I don’t expect to go bald anytime soon, knock on wood.
Jeremy Kellett 29:46
So finish up with your New York accent.
Cole Kellett 29:51
Well, I’ll tell you, there are two times I’ll use the New York accent: that’s in the mornings, on a morning breakfast. First off, food there’s amazing. Okay, so what I’ll do in the mornings—
Jeremy Kellett 30:01
You already said that once. No, you said the pizza is amazing.
Cole Kellett 30:03
Oh, but all the food, because there’s food from every type. It’s not good barbecue there sorry. Sorry New York but Arkansas does barbecue better. And then I’ll go to the morning Bodega just on the corner. And you know it’s cold. There’s a you’d be like some Hispanic guy behind the counter. You know, there’s loud music blaring he’s just dancing away all over the griddle and the kitchen there instead. And then we get a bacon egg and cheese on a bagel. And that was that’s terrible. But it Yeah, I just doing that a little bit just makes it feel a little bit more like a New York a little bit more.
Jeremy Kellett 30:40
You feel like you belong.
Cole Kellett 30:41
Yeah. Something like that.
Jeremy Kellett 30:42
What’s he say?
Cole Kellett 30:43
He doesn’t say much. He just sort of nods, puts a cigarette back in his mouth. It’s great. I love every second of it.
Jeremy Kellett 30:43
Oh my goodness. Well, I’m proud of you. I really am. I hate that you’re that far away, but I’m proud of you. I can see the future that you got a great future ahead of you.
Cole Kellett 31:00
Yeah, I’m excited for a career in life. And I think it’s excited because it challenged me. You know, ambition is not something that is easily come across in people. So I think I think moving across the country when you didn’t know a soul over there, too, just to see what would happen is of course, you know, people don’t have the same circumstances. I was very lucky to have the opportunity to but just having that ambition, I think is something that we need more.
Jeremy Kellett 31:25
Not everybody has it. You got to have that want-to.
Cole Kellett 31:27
Have the ambition to apply for a job at Oakley Trucking. That’s it. Do you have a sign-off?
Jeremy Kellett 31:32
That’s where you need to be.
Cole Kellett 31:33
You should get a sign-off.
Jeremy Kellett 31:35
I’m trying to do it with you.
Cole Kellett 31:36
You don’t have like a one-liner?
Jeremy Kellett 31:37
I couldn’t get you to talk in the beginning and now you won’t shut up.
Cole Kellett 31:40
All right.
Jeremy Kellett 31:42
You got any more to add?
Cole Kellett 31:43
I think so. If I see you again. I call you every day.
Jeremy Kellett 31:50
Yeah, not enough. I’d like to hear from you more, but that’s alright. I appreciate everybody joining me on this episode with my son Coachella talking about his experience in New York City and also how Trucking is related to what he does up in New York City. So appreciate everybody tuning in. Once again, the Oakley podcast: trucking, business, and family. That who it’s for, that’s what we do here is make great episodes for everybody our Oakley trucking listeners and owner-operators in their family. So tune in every Wednesday. We always got a new one coming out and we appreciate everybody listen, be sure to subscribe, like, and comment, and keep them coming. We’ll talk to you next week. Thanks.
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